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Friday, March 18, 2011

“Luving you my darling,Red”

What’s your shape what’s your figure
What’s your nature what your pressure
What’s your essence what’s your presence
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?
Creation in your theme having the perfect scene
The gist of a lover the essence of a surviver
The poetry of a writer the theme for an author
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?

Loving you by dark loving you by sight

Loving you by day loving you by night
Dreaming you by heart living in your light
Flowing in the heart,resembling the life
Life of my past ,life of my future
life of my father,life of my mother
Blood of the mammal,blood of the God
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?

Alive in the spirit,infusing my inspirit

Giving it the perfect well-round perspective
Cupid and devil,love and war
Evil in nature warmth and passion
Nature and culture, ugly and anger
Tell me my darling tell me your emotions.
Emotions of a lover,feeling of a surviver
Tell me my darling how will I greet  u?

Perfused with emotions showing the utmost exertion

Spirit of a bride,beauty of a flower
Violence in your arm,force in your zest
Revolution in ur past ,radicals in your life
Freedom for the agitator,life for the fomenter
Colour of the mourning,colour of the triumph
Solace for the departed  Victory for the people
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?

Costing the business,taxing the people
Rising and sinking,turning and tumbling
Standing and moving,jumping and falling
Accessing the economy,revolving the country
rust of the iron,lustre of the copper
Creation of the people quality of the victor
King for the preserver ,empress for the future
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?

Color of the communism,showing the energy of Marxism

Prayer for a socialist,existence for a Marxist
Soul for an admirer,honour for the supporter
Lovely for the good,good for the evil
Purity in your theme,joy and celebration in your realm
Patriotism in your theme with utmost celebration.
Revolution for a country steering for the people
Tell me my darling,tell me your existence?

Visibility of my life ,spectrum of the God

An ally of the orange,an end of the vibgyor
Thundering and storming,moving and flowing
feeling of the sky,shining of the light
Beaming  for the sun,dreaming for the sleeper
Atmosphere of the weather,attention for the sailor
Giving me a perfect well- round illusion
Tell me my darling tell me your existence?

Romancing  a boy,stimulation of a girl
Red for the lover,red for the rage
Knowledge for Buddha,waking for snoozer
Blood for the body,lust fot the thirsty
Cupid and devil,love and violence
Beauty and pride, hell and heaven
colour for the mars,colour of the metal.
Tell me my darling,tell me, how can I know your existence?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Raj Keshav's blogs: “Dreaming night,Dreary night.” She is the fa...

Raj Keshav's blogs:
“Dreaming night,Dreary night.”

She is the fa...
: "“Dreaming night,Dreary night.” She is the fairy of my life ,She is the psyche of my life. Love is lovable,love is durable,Love is fee..."

“Black for the devil, all for me.”

Lullaby feeling and the oceanic eyes
Expanding the horizons of the ever-expanding life.
Finest charm and the deadly look,
With all the sensual excesses embraced in you
When laugh is in the air,My heart is in your hair.

Showing emotions, increasing the perfection.
This way and that way, it’s the wanting for your way.
Pimple in your face,dimple in your cheeks,
Lustre and bluster,lust and thirst.
Black for the devil,white for me.

Wantings and longings,shining and twinklings,
Black for the devil,white for me.
Beauty and pride,tendering and loving,
Shimmering and shining,joking and behaving,
Black for the devil,all for me.

“Dreaming night,Dreary night.”

She is the fairy of my life ,She is the psyche of my life.
Love is lovable,love is durable,Love is feelable and palpable.
Love is lusty,love is thirsty.
Expectations are something to accept,Love is something to anticipate.

Shivering in cold,beautifying  in her arms,
Thrilling and throbbing,engaged with the heart
Feeling the warmth,paralysed by eyes,
Sensing the wavering of the arms
Cuddling and muddling in the dream
Lip-glossing sunlight able to light up my whole life,
In the midst of the night,feeling the serenity of my life.
She is the fairy of my life,She is the psyche of my life.

Sensitizing the emotions and imagination,
Impulsing and stimulating the life of my nature
Soothing is when I get soothe,loving is when I get love,
Lust is when I become lusty and thirsty
Pimple in her face,dimple of her cheek
Smile in her feel,thirst in her lips.
Perfection in her elevation with perfect depression, the acme of my life.
She is the fairy of my life,She is the soul of my life.

Emotions are here ,and the blissful ignorance is there.
From notches and corners, blending her with utmost perfection.
Curling in her dream,soothing in her stream.
“She is the fairy of my life,She is the soul of my life.”

Sunday, March 13, 2011



                               What we have seen or what the world has shown us through the ages of times, through the ages of Palaeolithic, Neolithic and till this date of modern times or the time which is still to come is the evolution of Homo Sapiens, especially the brain and its ability to cope up with the environment and doubtlessly about its achievements, its ability to conform with the statement-”Need is the mother of all inventions. ”Slowly and silently, we have become the most powerful species of this planet “Earth”. Era by era, the simpler Homo sapiens have grown progressively into a complex, worse form. And what’s next in the coming years? Obviously, the competition is not going to get over. Life is more distributed than restricted strictly to the planet “Earth”. Maybe a new habitat on a new planet for its next achievement is waiting in the coming 50 years. But with the advent of modern times, there remains a missing gap of responsibility. Homo sapiens are entering into the vicious cycle of inequality. What we see more is a human mind; and heart can’t feel the happiness in the equality of society.


                             “With great power come great responsibilities.”- And I, as a part of Homo sapiens, serve as the testimony, of not being able to stick to it. We have acquired great power but we have not become responsible. In the deep recesses or even in superfluity, inequality has its root deep inside. The world is not becoming flat but spiky. Progress and inequalities are going hand-in-hand. To be more particular and meticulous, we are not doing justice to ourselves. The lacunae of our ancestors are being carried forward by their inheritors. Coming down to the reality, the facilitators of today world are just acting as a medium to facilitate or manage the gap which has existed from the time immemorial.
There lies a great difference between the equality of today’s world and the reality ,and obviously, we have the concepts like “carpetbagger capitalism”, “red-tapism”, “nepotism”, and what to say more - globalisation and liberalisation are still here! By constraint only, we have to go into the details of “Darwinism”- and his famous theory of “struggle for existence” and “survival of the fittest”. All the “rudimentary” persons have to be wiped out in the course of time. Today’s mankind has been started teaching “pragmatism”, a view of the world where truth is defined by what “succeeds”. The message is clear. Liberalisation and globalisation are not a means of increasing the efficiency of the system. It is a policy that facilitates a process of primitive accumulation that leads to social disruption. There is a need of clarion call from the deep recesses to the outside world, right from the heart.
There’s an interestingly, quite disappointing fact about the today’s world, which is just the reflection of human behaviour. 20% of the world’s population consumes 80% of its resources. The world spends 12 times more on military expenditures than on aid to developing countries. 5,000 people a day die because of dirty drinking water. One billion people have no access to safe drinking water. Nearly 1 billion people are going hungry. Over 50% of grain traded around the world is used for animal feed or bio fuels. There may be at least 200 million climate refugees by 2050.
We are indeed going through the tumultuous times in society. We have the burden of 9 billion people, our resources are exhausting, and surely we are going through the global warming phase. So what? We have gone through different society changes - from monarchy to democracy, from sati to women emancipation, from kings to the common man. It’s too late to be a pessimist. Why can’t all have dreams in their eyes? Why can’t all have the happy journey in this world of dreams? The contribution can be made by anyone, from rich to the poor. Why can’t we have a society with equality? Why can’t we have a renaissance in the field of social equality, to get a compassionate and responsible society? Isn’t it the time we have to rise from the mere petty things? The one and only one thing that doesn’t abide by a general rule – a common people conscience. Lesotho, one of the world's poorest countries, is proportionally the one that invests most in its people's education. In the face of misery and suffering, millions of NGOs prove that solidarity between people is stronger than the selfishness of nations. We have the testimony of Bangladesh, where a single man has founded a bank that lends only to the poor, leading to the change in the lives of 150 million people, in just 30 years. Costa Rica has made a choice between military spending and land conservation. The country no longer has an army. It’s not even too late. We can’t remain to be a pessimist. We have to show the enthusiasm like the Neil Armstrong. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Our one step today can lead to the emancipation of many millions people in the world.

Empowering the powerless

There is an authentic resonance often to be found in the voice of those needlessly faced with disadvantage, prejudice, misunderstanding and misrepresentation. It is all the more frustrating, when we witness every day, not so much injustice, as a lack of appreciation of difference and how it can lead to inequality and subsequently missed opportunity. To the high priests of growth rates, the American-Indian Cree has a saying that worth repeating:
“Only when the last tree has been cut; only when the last river has been poisoned; only when the last fish has been eaten; only then will you know that money cannot be eaten.”

 Inequality is the reality with unhidden disparity.

(Note- The data related excerpts has been taken from the documentary named “Home”. The article concerns about the inequality in the society and are the writer’s viewpoint only.)